April 2022 District Council Meeting Minutes

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District 65 Executive Committee Minutes
April 30th, 2022, 9:00AM

District 65 Council Meeting called to Order at 9:02 am by Brenda Billups, DTM District Director.

Reading of District Mission– Ellen Pieklo, DTM PDD
“We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.”

Approval of Agenda– Brenda Billups, DTM, District Director
Changes from agenda that was shared previously include no audit report since the information has not yet come back from TI World Headquarters. The DLC report will be given by Linda
Lathrop DTM, PDG, IPDD, instead of Stephanie Siuda, DTM, PDG as mentioned.

Remembrance– Arlene Brown, DTM
We know of four members who have passed this last year. These members include Charles Deacon, Dewitt Hendricks, James “Jim” Radcliff, James “Jim” Hopkins. Also, Lawrence “Larry”
Creswell who passed away last week. A minute of silence was held.

Approval of Fall Meeting Minutes– Brenda Billups, DTM, District Director

Credentials Committee Report– Lillian Knight Faison, DTM
There are 63 clubs eligible to vote which means 126 VPEs and Presidents eligible to vote. Quorum would be 1/3 of the total, which is 42. We have 43 VPEs and Presidents registered to
vote today. We have reached quorum! The total number of votes assigned is 65.

Finance Report– Melissa McDonald, DTM
The District has a net income of $10,525. We are showing a downward trend in the District income related to the decrease in members this past year.

Alignment Report – Brion Keller, DTM, PDD
The alignment committee consists of Brion Keller, Ned Lindstrom, Annette Zuber, Betty Brewer Johnson, Gloria Gibbon, and Dan Ferens. There has been a loss of members across the Divisions, so we lost 13 clubs this year.

Committee Assignments– Brenda Billups, DTM, District Director
Linda Lathrop worked with the Continuity Committee to update the website. The District is looking for a website Manager.

DLC Report– Linda Lathrop, DTM, PDG, IPDD
The District Leadership Report for 2022 is invalid due to the committee member requirements not being met. We did not have enough candidates to run for each office so all candidates must
run from the floor. The following members have been interviewed and have met the criteria to run for an elected position: Kate Olsen, Sam Otto, Judy Britton, Ryan Kelly. Since the DLC is
now allowing nominees to run from the floor, the following members have completed paperwork and have been deemed eligible to run: Ray Mulgrew, Betty Brewer Johnson, Jean Pryor. There can be no new candidates as the deadline has passed.

Election of Officers– Brenda Billups, DTM
Candidates running from the floor are as follows:
District Director- Ray Mulgrew and Kate Olsen
Program Quality Director- Sam Otto
Club Growth Director- Betty Brewer Johnson and Judy Britton

The result of the vote for District Director was:
Ray Mulgrew 19
Kate Olsen 44

The following office was uncontested. This officer was elected by the casting of one ballot by the Administration Manager.
Program Quality Director- Sam Otto

The result of the vote for Club Growth Director was:
Betty Brewer Johnson 42
Judy Britton 23

The following offices were uncontested. These officers were elected by the casting of one ballot by the Administration Manager.
Division C- Jean Pryor
Division E- Ryan Kelly


Program Quality Director– Kate Olsen, DTM, PDG
Bottom 1/3 in Pathways adoption rate in the beginning of the year. We are now in the top 1/3 of the region. Adoption is in regards to picking a path in the Pathways program. We had the
highest number of officers trained for the region when compared to the other Districts in the Peer Call. Thank you to Sam Mehta for the educational sessions he led for Contest Training and
Judges Training.

Club Growth Director– Sam Otto, DTM
Clubs in District 65 held 19 open houses this past year. 9 resulted in 2 or more new members joining. There is 1 lead pending. An ATO has been submitted.

Immediate Past District Director– Linda Lathrop, DTM, PDG
This is our 2nd full year serving our members through Zoom. Linda worked as editor for the District Newsletter and worked with the Continuity Committee to work on the website to help
update it. She also spent time supporting, problem solving, and motivating the District Trio through this past year.

Public Relations Manager– Robert Phillips
The District held 4 Club Officer Training Sessions, 2 VPPR Peer Calls, 10 monthly Newsletters, and participated in the TI Marketing Campaign. Newsletter performance included a presentation showing the number of emails sent out, with an average of 38% open rate but only a 1% click rate. This means most members are not clicking on the newsletter to look at links or documents shared this way. The metrics from the Global Advertising Campaign including the demographics are available upon request.

Division Directors Reports:

Division B– Judy Britton
Rochester 476 is the only Distinguished Club in the Division. Every club had a representative who participated in the contests for the Division.

Division C– Betty Brewer Johnson
Clubs in Division C are seeing new members join after holding Open Houses.

Division E– Keith Flint
Empire Statesman is President’s Distinguished and is only 2 new members away from getting all 10 Club Success Plan goals met. Good Morning Syracuse is Select Distinguished status, currently. Several clubs are meeting completely online, which allows for members from all over the world. The Division has lost members and clubs which has caused the number of Areas to go down from 5 Areas to 4.

District Director– Brenda Billups, DTM
There is no old business or new business to discuss.

Announcements – Next District Council Meeting is September 24th at 9am.

Meeting Adjourned.
Emily Olsen-Nemeth, District Administration Manager