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Free Toast Host Website – Quick Tips

If your club is using the Free Toast Host (FTH) website that every club receives for free when they file an Application To Organize (ATO) or become a Chartered active club, then you will want to check out this quick tip.

How to make the most of your Free Toast Host website.

1. If you are already using the FTH site

  • Make sure you always add guests to your FTH guests email list. Then you can always invite them to meetings, open houses, contests and other social events.
  • Use member profile photos on your agendas. When a guest visits your club, their printed agenda will show the names and profile photo of your members that are speaking and filling the meeting roles.

2. If you are a corporate club, but are not using it yet.

  • Setup your FTH website (it is free) and use it just for your members, agendas and email contacts.
  • Use this site to help promote your club to others within your corporate environment. Use photos, TI video tips and downloads to help your membership grow.

We are very lucky. Our own Roger Morehouse, DTM is one of the FTH Ambassadors. Even better news is that he is our District 65 webmaster, the Area 42 Director, and a proud member of District 65. Thank you Roger.

Wes Brzozowski from the Endwell club is also an Ambassador for FTH and is a great resource for maximizing the use of search engines to find club websites.

If you want to find out more about these items, check out these links and videos. There is a wealth of information and training waiting for your use.

FTH – Add Member Photos to Your Agendas


Meeting-Agenda-with-photosWhy would you want to put your member photos on your FTH agendas?

Because guests and newer members will feel more comfortable when they can place a name with a face. They will get to know each other quicker and become part of your Toastmasters family. The sooner you get new members engaged and participating, the sooner they become club leaders and better friends.

Since I first added this option, I have watched both of my clubs grow stronger and have more fun. If that isn’t enough, it helps members want to update their profiles with a photo so they are not pictured as the Toastmasters logo next to their name.

Every meeting is an opportunity. Opportunity to learn. Opportunity to grow. Opportunity to change someone’s life. Make it easier for your members and guests to their challenges into opportunities.

Here is a quick tutorial on how to add your member profile photos to your FTH Meeting Agendas. First you need to get your existing members to add their photo to their profile if they have not already done so.

Then Follow these 6 Simple Steps:

Step 1 – Log in as the “Site Administrator”

Step 2 – Click the – “Launch Admin Console” button

Step 3 – From the Select a Module drop down window – Select – “Meeting Agenda Settings”

Step 4 – Click the “Global Settings” Tab

Step 5 – Check the “Include member photos in the meeting agenda” setting

Step 6 – Click the “SAVE” and “CLOSE” buttons and your are ready to go.

Hope you enjoy your fresh new agendas and listen to the comments from your members when they see the change.

5 Tips to Help Your Free Toast Host Website…

Help Your Club… Get More Members

The most common place people find Toastmasters is on Google…

They go to – – and hit – Find a Club.

They type in their zip code and look at a few clubs close to them that meet at a time they prefer. Then they look at your club website, members, meeting information and contact us.

Is Your Site Ready?

Take a look at Buffalo Flyers Club – Is this website ready? At the time of this article, they have a few items that they can work on to improve.

1. Your Home Page is Huge – Next take a look at The Larkin Leaders website for a comparison

  • You only have one chance to make a first impression.
  • Photos, announcements and events from your club make it personal and real.
  • Keep them rolling down the screen. Write a brief meeting recap or article

2. Meet Our Members –

Have profile photos, bio and social sharing for all members. Unlocked them for all to see. Here is how to fix this.

  • Members >>> Edit Your Profile
  • Admin or Officer >>> Private Member Directory>>> You can fill out for them.

3. Meeting Information/Directions:

  • Spell it out, tell them the details, where to park, use the map, etc.
  • Launch Admin Console >> Meeting Info/Dir -TAB >>> fill out and add map

4. Contact Us:

  • VP Membership and President – make sure to respond to every inquiry.
  • Have 1 or both respond. Two responses is better than none.
  • Launch Admin Console >> Email and contact forms >>> Add members name

5. Photos on agenda: Why??

  • If guest walks in and see member photos on the agenda. Starts the process of getting to know your members.
  • Launch Admin Console >> Meeting Agenda Settings >>> Global Settings
  • >>> Include member photos on agenda – check box.

Bonus Tip: Write a meeting recap/summary with current or next meetings agenda. Email to all members and occasionally to guests and former members after every meeting.

“Miss a Meeting… You Miss A Lot! Bring A Guest… Ask A Co-worker??” from  Paul Justinger – Clarence Toastmasters

I hope you find these tips helpful. If your website is ready when a guest reaches out, you have a much better chance of having them visit your club. Then it is up to you and your members to make them stay.

Here are some great sites to help you learn to make the most of your Free Toast Host Websites.

Free Toast Host Setup:

Free Toast Host Support and Training: