Apr 10, 2023 | District Council Meetings

District 65 Alignment Committee Report: 2023-24 Proposed Alignment

Home / District Council Meetings / District 65 Alignment Committee Report: 2023-24 Proposed Alignment

April 10, 2023

District 65 Toastmasters Members:

The District Alignment Committee for 2022-2023 has completed the task of reviewing the alignment of Toastmasters clubs and has recommended changes to enable Areas and Divisions to be more successful.

Our District Alignment Committee was composed of a representative from each Division and one Past District Governor. I am happy to say that each member of the committee agrees with the proposed changes.

Please note that in the past few years, the number of Toastmasters clubs has decreased significantly, by some 30 clubs. Additionally, many clubs remain far below the charter strength and many clubs have fewer than ten members.

The following are the changes made to the Divisions/Areas:

  • Division A:
    • The Advanced Toastmaster Club and Speak Up Toastmasters were moved into Division A
  • Division B:
    • Removed the Division B in its entirety.

Changes are noted on alignment table. Moved clubs from the original Division B into Division C, following the requirements to have 4-6 clubs per area. This was done coordinating with the respective Division Directors impacted. Changes are noted on the alignment table.

  • Division C:
    • Renumbered Area Numbers
    • Moved clubs so that each area met District requirements to have 4-6 clubs per area. Note the closure of Lyceum Toastmasters Club.
  • Division D:
    • The Hornell Area Toastmasters Club was moved to Division D. Members and guests who have contacted the club are often from the Corning area and the club is closer geographically, to the Division D.
    • There were no other changes to Division D.
  • Division E:
    • No changes made in Division E.


Beginning the next Toastmasters year (July 2023) there will only be FOUR Divisions and 14 areas in District 65 (a reduction of one division and three areas). As new clubs will be built, the four divisions will be able to accommodate approximately 20 clubs within the current alignment structure.  This alignment accommodates some 70 clubs. Future alignments will accommodate additional Areas, where required.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve District 65 Toastmasters organization. Below is the proposed alignment for District 65 clubs.


Ellen O’Connor Pieklo, DTM/PDD, 2022-2023 District 65 Alignment Committee Chair
Toastmasters International; Where Leaders Are Made
Email: [email protected]

Your District 65 2022-2023 Alignment Committee
Sam Mehta, DTM, PDG;
Avis Brodie, DTM, PDG, Division A Director
Judy Britton, Division B Director
Jean Pryor, PM2, Division C Director
Brion Keller, DTM, PDD, Division D Director and
Ryan Kelly, DL4, Division E Director.

District 65 Toastmasters Proposed Alignment

As of April 8, 2023

District 65 Proposed Alignment of Clubs and associated Divisions/Areas

For 2023 -2024 Toastmasters Year

Division A     3 Areas

Area 11              5 Clubs

Club Number        Club Name                                                   Number of Members

00005460                AM Lockport Club                                        34 members

00006634                UB Westwinds Toastmasters Club            9 members

04188315                Amherst Chamber Toastmasters               9 members

0009207                  Advanced Toastmasters                             11 members

Club of Rochester

Moves from B21 to A11

(Note: club meets once a month at different locations and agrees with this move)

00008182                  Speak Up Club                                             4 members

(Note: club moves from B22 to A11

agreement with this move)

06570076                  M&T Leaders and Speakers –                   0 members


Area 12                4 clubs

Club Number           Club Name                                                   Number of Members

01279724                  Prose of Speech                                          12 members

04514848                  Rhetorical Roar                                            10 members

06588726                  HSBC Toastmasters                                   14 members

01495286                  Clarence Toastmasters                               13 members

Moves from Area 13 to Area 12

06814964                 League of Her Own Toastmasters –        0 members Susp 09/30/22


Area 13                   5 clubs

00004350                  Downtown Toastmasters                            33 members

00002325                  Speakeasy Club                                           16 members

Note: Club moves from Area 14 to 13

00002993                  Concord Spellbinders Club                         9 members

Note: Club moves from Area 14 to 13


Area 13 Continued

03924071                  Toast of Roswell                                          13 members

Note: Moves from Area 14 to 13

01196232                  The Larkin Leaders Club                            11 members

Note: Moves from Area 14 to 13

03077974                  Lawley Lingo –                                               0 members (suspended)


Division B        Eliminated Completely


Division C        (Combines Divisions B and C)

Area 31

00000476                  Rochester Club 476                          28 members

00001044                  Speechcrafters Club                         13 members

00670636                  Toasted Sage Club                           10 members

03641921                  Tiger Tales Toastmasters               26 members

00000190                 Communicators                               8 members


Area 32

00003685                  Daybreakers Club                            12 members

00004840                  MCC Toastmasters Club                8 members

05163221                  Ortho Toastmasters                         21 members

00007620                  Rochester High Noon Club             8 members

Moves from Area 23 to Area 22

00608344                  Mercury West Club –                        0 members

Susp 09/30/22

00762906                  Blues Expression Club – 0 members

Susp 11/08/22


Area 33                  5  Clubs

01122241                  Spacetalkers                                     13 members

01444942                  Assured Communicators                14 members

00006898                  Frederick Douglass                         15 members

Moves From Area 31 to Area 33

Area 33                  Continued

00008789                  Toastitarians Club                            7 members

Moves From Area 31 into Area 23

01416572                  Toastchex                                        15 members

Moves From Area 31 into Area 23


Area 34               4 Clubs

00001993                Lyceum Club, 0 members                                                                         

01263588                  Canandaigua Community               10 members


Note: Moves from Area 32 to Area 24

02355592                  Peer 2 Peer Toastmasters              9 members

Moves from Area 32 to Area 24

06978394                  Bosch Fairport Toastmasters         23 members

Moves from Area 32 to Area 24


Area 35               4 clubs

00001831                  TNT Toastmasters Club               10 members

Moves from Area 32 to Area 25

00004323                  Life Learners Club                            7 members

Moves from Area 33 to Area 25

02227960                  Pinnacle Toastmasters Club          22 members

Moves from Area 33 to Area 25

04854675                  Sylvester Anderson’s                      22 members

Voices To Be Heard

Moves from Area 33 to Area 25  D           14


Division D       3 Areas


Area 41                4 Clubs

00002584                  Endicott Club – 0 members;           Susp 09/30/22


00002875                  Morning Knights

Toastmasters Club                          12 members

00004998                  Cayuga Club                                     22 members

01089603                  LM Owego Toastmasters                8 member – Closing

02389916                  Big Red Toastmasters                    17 members

06059734                  Hornell Area Toastmasters Club    12 members

Moving Hornell into Area 41,, to ensure area has 4 clubs


Area 42                4 Clubs

00007290                  Barrier Breakers Club                     11 members

01445431                  Shut Up & Speak                               4 members

03220612                  Speak Up – CNY                              17 members

07758929                  Toast of Corning                                8 members


Area 43                5 Clubs

No Changes

00004524 River City Toastmasters Club                            9 members

00007438 Leaders and Learners Club                             14 members

00009253 Oneonta Toastmasters Club                          12 members

01417631 Speakers of the House                                       7 members

06839259 Visions Toastmasters Club                            20 members

Division E                                                  18

Division E       4 Areas

No Changes for Division E

Area 51                5 Clubs

00000580 Syracuse Club                                                    10 members

00001427 Empire Statesmen                                            35 members

00004448 Port City Toastmasters Club                             2 members

00007549 Select Club                                                        15 members

05642996 Syracuse Toasters Club                                    8 members

Area 52                 4 Clubs

01027292 Orange Orators                                                 12 members

02163729 Master Toast                                                        9 members

02251028 Equitable Talkers                                              15 members

04885982 Good Morning Syracuse                               20 members

Area 53                     4 Clubs

00005776 Bristol Speaker Toastmasters                        15 members

Club #5776

01052451 Toasting the Blues                                              37 members

05702952 Live Learn Lead Toastmasters                       12 members

05959290 Toast the Grid                                                 24 members


Area 54                           5 Clubs

00001271 Mohawk Valley Toastmasters Club                   9 members

00005194 Utica National Toastmasters Club                   24 members

00715396 Roman Orators Toastmasters Club               12 members

00794497 Talk the Talk Club                                               12 members

01241967 CNY BizTalkers                                                   19 members


Numbers retrieved from the District Dashboard at:
